“Thank you so much for all of your help these past 4 years. You were always so kind to me and it will not be forgotten.”
– Allyn K.
“Thank you so much for all of your hard work on my case. It’s been such a relief to be done with all of it. I’ve learned so much through the process with your guidance. I can’t thank you enough…”
-Sincerely, Dr. Cameron Blair
“Ed, Congratulations on the defense verdict you received on behalf of Dr. Kordestani. We are all very appreciative of your hard work in obtaining this excellent result….”
-Sincerely, TDC claims team
“Edward, Congratulations on the defense verdict you received on behalf of Dr. Blair and Affordable Care. We are all very appreciative of your hard work in obtaining this excellent result….”
-Sincerely, TDC claims team
“Dear Ed, Congratulations on the recent defense verdict. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. The ProAssurance Mission, “We exist to protect others,” is achieved through your outstanding work in the courtroom. We appreciate your dedication to our insured, and we look forward to our continued relationship with you and your firm. Thank you again for your success.”
-Very truly yours, Darryl K. Thomas
“I want you to know how excellent Ed Quillin’s handling of the case was. I met with Ed and David Raff and they instructed me through all phases of the trial. I am most impressed with and appreciative of Ed Quillin and the way he led and conducted the trial.”
-Sincerely, Edward P. Melmed, MD (Carruthers case)
“…Ed Quillin did a fantastic job. I highly recommend him. Please use my name as a reference.”
-C.M. Schade, MD, PhD
“…My attorney Ed Quillin not only was exceptional and competent but also a very carrying human being. He always accommodated me on my off days to meet with him even during the weekends. Ed Quillin’s performance was outstanding. He covered every possible aspect of legal defense. He is truly a brilliant and gifted lawyer, and I am proud to have had him representing me.”
-Best regards, Asad Islam
“Let me take the opportunity of ‘Thanksgiving Day’ to thank you once again! We could win our case because of your expertise and hard work. Our case was difficult. There was untold outcome, opposition lawyer was very aggressive, and hospital had already paid the opposition for settlement. But you were sure about my innocence. Hence, we did not settle the case and went to trial without fear. Your trust in me and your continuous hard work over three years made us win the case. I thank all of your staff, Doctor’s Company and Mr. Daniel Dean.”
-Sanjeev M. Pawar
“Ed, I can’t tell you how grateful I am to you and your partner for how you represented me in court this week. I told Mr. Raff the same thing I told you, that even if I had lost, I know there were no other lawyers on earth who could have represented me any better. Your skill in the courtroom amazed me. I don’t know how anyone learns to do what you do. I’m glad fate had us cross paths. Thank you so much for everything.”
– Dr. Whittenburg
“Words cannot adequately express my gratitude to you for saving my professional life in that courtroom last week. I can’t thank you enough for being encouraging and empathetic throughout the entire ordeal. You expressed confidence in me when I was losing all confidence in myself. You supported me when I was convinced that all was lost. All the while, you exhibited a special blend of professionalism, determination, and humanity that I believe is rare in the legal profession. I can assure you that I will never forget how you helped me through one of the absolute lowest points in my life. Now, because of you, I am able to return to striving to be a good husband, father, and surgeon. Last week at this time, I didn’t think my life would ever return to normal. I hope that one day, I will have the opportunity to, in some way, repay you for what you have done for me and my family.”
– Fort Worth Surgeon
“Words cannot express how grateful we are to you for the support, encouragement and strength that you gave us during this very difficult time. You made this horrible experience tolerable and for that we thank you. You are a very gifted lawyer with class and style. You presented yourself as a gentleman and that makes you a man among men and it made us proud to have you as our lawyer.”
– Corsicana CRNA
“I would like to once again offer my appreciation for your excellent services. I felt that your performance as my attorney in this situation was exceptional. Your pre-trial and trial performance gave us the only glimmer of hope for success. Also reassuring was the fact that we felt that you were not only a competent attorney, but also a caring human being interested in our welfare. Hopefully I will never need your professional services in the future. However, I would have no qualms should the situation arise in requesting your services if available.”
– Waco Family Doctor
“Thank you for a brilliant defense and your excellent trial skills.”
– Rockwall Emergency Physician
“After the first day of my trial, my wife and I both vehemently agreed that we felt we had the best representation possible and available. Mr. Quillin very comfortably combined expertise, professionalism and compassion in managing our case. His efforts and research repetitively demonstrated superiority to the work done by the plaintiff’s attorney throughout deposition, trial and in the interval times.”
– Waco Family Doctor
“I would like to express my sincere thanks to you and your law firm for your excellent defense in my recent trial. Needless to say, I was quite pleased with the outcome and felt your closing statement to the jury to be outstanding.”
– Fort Worth Surgeon
“Ed has been representing our insureds for a number of years in Texas and he always achieves great results. It is nice to have one of our insured physicians confirm that Ed is doing a great job. I appreciate you taking the time to write and I’m sure that Ed appreciates it as well.”
– Claims Specialist
“I want to extend my deepest thanks again, for your excellent work in the matter. I am grateful for your support and for all the hard work that went into our successful outcome. I am aware of the long hours and the intense work that you put into the case and I know that the outcome would have been different if it weren’t for your skill and professionalism and your willingness to believe in me. You did an excellent job in a professional and caring way.”
– Waco Emergency Physician
“I can’t tell you how pleased I was to have Ed Quillin representing me. Ed’s diligent preparation and physical presence gave him control of the courtroom. In spite of Plaintiff attorney’s pompous attitude on Tuesday morning when they Stowerized us with a million dollar demand. Mr. Quillin met them with humility and respect on Friday morning when we got a no money defense verdict.”
– Claims Specialist
“I wish to praise Mr. Ed Quillin my defense lawyer who along with others successfully defended myself. The verdict of only a few hours ago returned no negligence on my part or on the part of the other physicians in large measure due to coordination of defense and the excellent defense provided by Mr. Ed Quillin.”
– Texarkana Radiation Oncologist
“Ed, thank you for all your work on this case. You made the process much more comfortable by providing detailed explanations. It is very unpleasant for a physician to go through this but you made it much more tolerable than I had expected. It is terrific to have such a good outcome.”
– Dallas Internist
“I wanted to thank you again for your tremendous work on my behalf. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders.”
– Dallas Emergency Physician
“I would like to thank you and your office personnel for the outstanding preparation and legal defense that you exhibited in this trial. When the case went to the jury I felt that every possible aspect of our legal defense had been clearly and efficiently demonstrated to the jury panel. I also feel that is why it took such little time for them to render a verdict in our favor. I will always be grateful to you for preparing me for trial, allowing me to address the jury and give my side of the story and for keeping the Plaintiffs’ counsel in check. If I can ever be of service to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.”
– Texarkana Anesthesiologist